Shep: A Cat's Tale

Shep’s tale is a sequel to a short story, entitled ‘The Beauty of Railings’, which I began at university. I later revised the piece and included it in Cash ’n’ Carrots & other capers.

‘Railings’ emerged from a creative writing module that encouraged students to experiment with non-conventional styles. Therefore, anything nonsensical or confusing is deliberate on the author’s part. Continuing with this experimental formula I concocted Shep: A Cat’s Tale (2015).

Shep the cat and a man with no name or notion cause chaos during a series of misadventures. Could paint-sniffing sessions coupled with consuming copious quantities of Cointreau have anything to do with the human and feline duo's bizarre escapades?


Shep: A Cat's Tale features a shared narrative, mainly related by a man obsessed with railings, while a couple of chapters come straight from the feline's mouth.